Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Routines, New Resoultions

Here I am surrounded by beauty, both inside and outside. Humble surroundings on the inside and majestic on the outside. Here on the property where we live, is an amazing labrynith. It was constructed years ago, and as of late, been trampled over by the horses and many deer that live here too. My father-in-law and friend, Jerry, fixed it up over the holidays, which I was thrilled about. So, I've decided to walk it everyday this year (when I'm in town), and see how the space transforms me. I believe in the power of sacred space and the impact it can have on our bodies and minds.

I've done the walk about a dozen times so far, and last night was one of the most powerful. After devouring a wonderful local meal of kale salad, lentils & rice and homemade bread, I realized the whole day had slipped by and I hadn't walked the labrynith. I got this grand idea for the whole family to celebrate the fullmoon by doing a lantern walk on the labrynith. We were already using our walking lanterns to eat and cook by, since Gracie insisted that we live by candlelight to cut down our environmental footprint (That's what I get for showing the kids the documentary "No Impact Man". ) Turns out, the family was super excited to do this.

Out we ventured into the cold January wind, and trekked to the other side of the property. The horses looked askance at us, and kept on eating their hay. I have to admit the lanterns and the moonlight-wow. What an image to burn in memory.

The start was a bit shaky with Maddie getting off to a rough start. But I am proud of my four- year-old's ability to keep quite while walking in the sacred space. While we walked in silence, Grace in the lead, and Maddie holding my hand, with Matthew bringing up the rear, the pine and cedars trees swayed in graceful accompaniment to the winds that howled. It was a magical time. And when Grace uttered the phrase, "may all people who need peace, find peace", my soul became full.


  1. Thank you for filling up OUR souls with the wonderful and amazing essays... Love you! Can't wait to see you... Counting down! xoxo Christine

  2. Next time we visit, we will come with candles in hand!
